What Issues of the Nose Can Rhinoplasty Correct?

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Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alex Mesbahi proudly offers rhinoplasty surgery to improve the function and appearance of the nose. This advanced procedure can address breathing problems, a crooked nose, a poor nasal tip, a hump on the bridge, or a nose that's proportionally too large or small for the face.

If you're ready to make a change, call Mesbahi Plastic Surgery in McLean, VA, and Washington, D.C., to book a consultation. Our experienced team can provide rhinoplasty before and after photos to help you see the potential results.

Breathing problems

You may have heard the term "deviated septum" before, but what does it really mean? A deviated septum is when the central partition of your nose, called the nasal septum, is crooked or displaced to one side. It may cause snoring, difficulty breathing through one or both nostrils, or chronic sinus infections. Dr. Mesbahi may recommend functional rhinoplasty to straighten the nasal septum.

Crooked nose

Crooked noses can be caused by genetics or previous trauma to the area. For example, if you've broken your nose in the past, it may have healed incorrectly and resulted in asymmetry. The good news is that nose reshaping surgery can correct a crooked nose and produce a harmonious look.

Nasal tip shape

The tip of the nose is an important feature that can greatly impact facial aesthetics. A bulbous, upturned, droopy, or hooked nasal tip is especially noticeable. Nasal tip surgery allows Dr. Mesbahi to construct a tip that complements your natural features. If you're unsure about the results, our team can show you rhinoplasty before and after pictures to give you a better idea of what to expect.

Nasal hump

A prominent hump on the bridge of the nose can be a source of frustration for many people. It can be hard to hide and may draw unwanted attention. Dr. Mesbahi addresses the nasal hump by removing excess bone or cartilage and reshaping the bridge. Our team in McLean, VA, and Washington, D.C., have helped countless people feel more confident with their new profile after nose reshaping.

Poor proportions

Proportion is key when it comes to facial harmony. If your nose is too large or too small in relation to your other features, it can throw off your appearance. Dr. Mesbahi has extensive experience in resizing the nose and bringing better balance to the face. During a consultation, we can discuss how much change is possible based on your unique anatomy.

Can you correct more than one issue during surgery?

Yes, it is possible to correct multiple concerns in one rhinoplasty surgery. Of course, the extent of the correction will depend on each individual case. A consultation is the time to review rhinoplasty before and after photos, discuss your goals, and plan the course of action moving forward. Our priority is to help you achieve your desired shape while also maintaining or improving function.

Learn about functional rhinoplasty, nasal tip surgery, and more

Rhinoplasty is a highly personalized procedure that requires careful planning and precision. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alex Mesbahi has the skills, knowledge, and expertise to deliver exceptional results through nose reshaping. Call now for an appointment in McLean, VA, or Washington, D.C., and see how we can help. Mesbahi Plastic Surgery can provide information on functional rhinoplasty, nasal tip surgery, and other aspects of the procedure.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.