McLean, VA | Blog Posts on Plastic Surgery

Explore multiple blog posts directly from Dr. Alex Mesbahi, helping his patients enhance their appearance and feel more confident.

Long-Term Care Tips to Maximize How Long Rhinoplasty Results Last

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 03/15/2025

Want better rhinoplasty results? Follow our post-op guidelines to see optimal long-term outcomes. View rhinoplasty before and after photos here.


Fat Transfer vs. Traditional Breast Augmentation: Which Is Right for You?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 02/27/2025

Learn the difference between fat transfer to the breast and traditional implants for natural-looking breast augmentation. Explore your options today.


How to Maintain Results After Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 01/10/2025

Discover how tummy tuck surgery can help with loose skin removal and body contouring. Learn tips to maintain your results. Book with our team today.


How to Prepare for Resensation® Surgery After Mastectomy

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 12/16/2024

Restore sensation in reconstructed breast tissue with Resensation surgery. Learn about preparation, recovery, and next steps. Book a consultation now!


Breast Augmentation for Small Breasts: How to Achieve Proportional Results

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 11/28/2024

Breast augmentation can help improve body proportions if you have small breasts. See options like a fat transfer or implants for a full, natural look.


What Issues of the Nose Can Rhinoplasty Correct?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 10/13/2024

Nose reshaping surgery can correct a crooked nose and improve facial symmetry, creating a balanced appearance. Book a rhinoplasty consultation today.


What Is Recovery Like After a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 09/12/2024

Fat transfer breast augmentation offers a natural way to enhance your breasts. Learn about this cosmetic surgery and what to expect during recovery.


How Does Breast Augmentation Surgery Affect Breastfeeding?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 08/11/2024

Explore how breast augmentation surgery can affect breastfeeding and learn steps to ensure successful nursing after your breast enhancement procedure.


How Long Does the Swelling Last After A Tummy Tuck?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 07/11/2024

Learn about tummy tuck recovery, including how long swelling lasts and tips to help reduce swelling after tummy tuck surgery for optimal results.


How Does Breast Resensation® Work?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 06/21/2024

Discover how breast Resensation® in McLean, VA works, its benefits, and if you're a good candidate for reconstruction surgery with Resensation.


What Questions Should You Ask During Your Rhinoplasty Consultation?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 05/23/2024

Learn what questions to ask at a rhinoplasty consultation in McLean, VA to ensure you're prepared for your rhinoplasty surgery with Dr. Mesbahi.


How Soon After Mastectomy Can Breast Reconstruction Be Performed?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 04/22/2024

Explore breast reconstruction in McLean, VA, and learn how soon after mastectomy surgery breast reconstruction can be performed for a renewed self.


How Does Breast Augmentation Impact Breastfeeding?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 03/24/2024

Considering breast augmentation surgery but have questions about breastfeeding with implants? Find the answers here.


Is Fat Transfer to the Breast Suitable for Women with Small Breasts?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 02/26/2024

Women with small breasts who prefer a more subtle, natural alternative to breast implants may be excellent candidates for breast fat transfer.


How Can I Prepare Physically for a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 01/14/2024

Use these helpful tummy tuck preparation tips to ensure a successful procedure, efficient recovery, and beautiful results.


Who Makes a Good Candidate for Breast ReSensation®?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 12/25/2023

Following a mastectomy or breast cancer surgery, ReSensation® may make it possible to regain your natural breast sensitivity.


Can Rhinoplasty Correct Nasal Asymmetry?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 11/18/2023

Discover the benefits of rhinoplasty surgery for straightening a crooked nose or addressing other types of nasal asymmetry.


When Can I Sleep On My Side After Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 10/14/2023

Tired of your new sleeping position after breast reconstruction? Learn when it may be safe and appropriate to start sleeping on your side again.


Can Fat be Reabsorbed After Fat Transfer to the Breast?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 09/28/2023

It is important to understand what results you can expect after a fat transfer to the breast, including what may cause a reduction in breast size.


How do I Choose the Right Size and Shape of Breast Implants for Me?

Dr. Alex Mesbahi | 08/31/2023

Learn about selecting the right size, symmetry, and shape of breast implants before your breast implant surgery at Mesbahi Plastic Surgery.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.