When Will Swelling After Breast Augmentation Go Down?

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In the days and weeks leading up to your breast augmentation surgery, you will likely be filled with excitement as you think about how your new body will look, and start to imagine all the new styles of clothing you’ll be able to wear. However, it is also important to begin planning for your breast augmentation recovery. Knowing what to expect after breast augmentation and understanding proper postoperative care are essential for ensuring efficient healing and a gorgeous cosmetic result.

Internationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alex Mesbahi and the professional team at Mesbahi Plastic Surgery are committed to providing the highest level of patient service and care before, during, and after breast augmentation in McLean, VA or Washington, D.C. Learn more about what to expect after breast augmentation surgery here, including how long your recovery may take and when your swelling should resolve.

How is breast augmentation performed?

Breast augmentation, which is primarily used to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts, can be performed in a number of different ways. Each breast augmentation method has its own unique set of advantages and benefits, and Dr. Mesbahi can help determine which approach may be most appropriate for helping you achieve your goals. Some of the differentiating factors between breast augmentation cases include:

  • Implant type: silicone gel, saline, gummy bear, or fat transfer
  • Implant size: volume measured in cc’s
  • Implant shape: round or teardrop
  • Implant profile: how far it projects outward from the chest
  • Implant placement: underneath the pec muscle or on top of it
  • Incision type/placement: in the underarm, in the inframammary crease, or a combination of areolar/breast/crease incisions

The majority of these decisions are made preoperatively, though Dr. Mesbahi frequently adjusts implant sizing in the operating room to ensure an attractive look and symmetry between the breasts. Depending on the specifics of your procedure and whether or not any complementary surgeries are being performed – such as a breast lift – breast augmentation typically takes about 2 – 3 hours and is conducted while the patient is under general anesthesia.

How long is breast augmentation recovery?

The details of breast augmentation recovery may vary somewhat from patient to patient depending on the specifics of the procedure, the surgical approach used, the patient’s anatomy and healing response, and other factors. Generally speaking, most patients can expect some level of swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort as normal – and temporary – side effects of breast augmentation surgery. These symptoms can be managed with prescription medication and other tools and techniques, as recommended by Dr. Mesbahi. Patients should also plan to wear a compressive or supportive surgical bra following breast augmentation to help reduce swelling and minimize discomfort.

The majority of patients can return to light activity around the house after about 7 – 10 days, but more strenuous physical activity, including heavy lifting and exercise, will be off-limits for about 6 – 8 weeks. Although you will notice an almost immediate difference in your breast size and shape after getting breast implants, the final outcome will take several weeks or months to develop as the body heals and the swelling subsides.

How long will I be swollen after getting breast implants?

For most women, swelling after breast augmentation reaches its peak during the first week after surgery and begins to slowly resolve over the next several weeks. The majority of breast augmentation swelling should subside by the end of your third postoperative week, and the remainder of the residual swelling should fully resolve around 2 – 3 months after surgery. Subtle changes will continue to develop throughout the first year as the tissues continue to heal, the scars begin to fade, and the implants settle into their final position. To help reduce swelling after breast augmentation and make the recovery process as efficient and comfortable as possible, patients should:

  • Wear a compressive bra after surgery
  • Wear supportive bras as often as possible, particularly during physical activity
  • Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Take medications as directed
  • Follow all of your doctor’s postoperative instructions
  • Do not rush your recovery

Get the full, feminine, sexy bust you’ve always wanted with breast augmentation in McLean, VA

Every woman deserves to feel comfortable and confident in her own skin. For many women, being unhappy with breast size and shape can take a toll on their self-esteem and overall quality of life. Whether you have always had naturally small breasts or have noticed deflated breasts over time or as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, breast augmentation may be the life-changing solution you’ve been searching for. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, including what to expect during recovery, we invite you to call either one of our convenient Mesbahi Plastic Surgery locations in Washington, D.C. or McLean, VA to schedule a private consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Alex Mesbahi today. We look forward to helping you achieve the body of your dreams or restore a more youthful physique with breast augmentation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.